Monday, April 13, 2015

Hazards of living with a Race Director

I have often times found myself feeling sorry for my husband who has to live with a Race Director. Races take a lot of stuff and the stuff sometimes takes over the whole house. I try to contain it to the office, but during race weeks it usually spills over to the living room, which quickly starts to resemble a storage unit. Sometimes there is bag stuffing in front of the TV, sometimes there are laminated signs strewn across the dining room table and bibs hiding under couches. Good thing he is so tolerant. If it were the other way around, if his stuff was taking over our house, I probably would not be so nice.

These events have a lot of people who need a lot of stuff. Food, bibs, prizes, flyers, posters, goody bags, giveaways.... and the most insidious of all...the safety pin! The safety pin has a tendency to escape from any container that you might try to use to contain it. How do these little buggers end up on the floor of the kitchen, or in the couch cushions, or pretty much in any crevice it can find? It is one of life's mysteries, sort of like socks that go missing from the laundry. In fact, I have found safety pins in the dryer before. Maybe there is a safety pin and missing sock coalition forming in there? Just be careful when sitting down on a couch or a chair in my house, you might get poked with one of these guys.

Sorry honey, I love you and thank you for living with this Race Director! 

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